Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ambergris Caye Local Building Authority Applauds Sueño Del Mar’s Beach Reclamation Efforts

- Press Release, Ambergris Caye Local Building Authority, August 12, 2008 - The Sueno del Mar project is an undeniable example of co-partnership development with the San Pedro Town Council and in particular the San Pedro Building Authority. Fidel Ancona, a born Sanpedrano and ground businessman of Sueno del Mar, is quietly and without any fanfare showing all other developers how an otherwise artificial and sterile structure can ensure a dimension beauty intensely ecological and warm.

Instead of the normal sea wall developers construct today, Fidel has used the locally available materials and measures to do the impossible. With an intimate knowledge of tides and beach nourishment, he has used the concept of planters to arrest soil and beach erosion in such a way that that the planters blend with the beach and forms and integral part of the protection process.

Sueno del Mar, and Fidel Ancona is demonstrating how a mutually beneficial alliance with the San Pedro Town Council and Ambergris Caye Local Building Authority can end up in a win-win situation for all and in particular the beautiful island of San Pedro.

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